Use the Advanced Graph Content Controls

The following table describes each of the available Advanced Graph Content Controls.

Control Description

Clicking this control icon will remove a data series from the graph.

Clicking this control icon will move the series to the foreground of the graph. This control is especially useful if there are series with data points overlaying each other on the graph.


Allows you to change how a series is presented on the graph. For example, by changing the Style selection from Line to Point, data points displayed as a line are changed to individual points.

When multiple series are graphed, the list of Style options is filtered to those that are compatible with the type selected for the first series.


If you select a value other than None, a copy of the data set will be made and added to the graph with the chosen statistical function applied to the copy.


The weight value is a value used as a factor for select statistical calculations (currently, a weight factor can only be applied to the Bollinger statistics). You use the Weight slider to select the weight factor – ranging from 1% to 100%. The value that it modifies varies with the statistical calculation selected. For most calculations, it scales the count of points in the data set to be graphed and uses the scaled value as the factor in the statistical calculation.

Y Axis

Controls which axis position the series Y data is charted on. When Primary is selected, the scale on the left side of the chart applies to the series. When Secondary is selected, the scale on the right side of the chart applies to the series.


The units being used for the data series. Depending on the data, you may be able to select different units for the series if the initial units can be easily converted. When more than one series shares a Y axis position (Primary or Secondary), the first series added to that position will determine which units are used; but the scale will encompass the values from all series.

Color The color used to render the series data on the graph. This column can act as a color key for the graph's series.