Use the Reports Tool

NOTE: This feature is not available in all versions of SysTrack Visualizer.

Reports are only calculated for all datasets in the On-Prem version of the software and not all datasets are calculated overnight in the Cloud version. The Reports link is not assailable by default in the Cloud version and does not show. Reports can be created manually for Cloud.

To enable this view:

  1. select Reports from the SysTrack Visualizer Navigation pane. The Select Report dialog displays.

  1. Select a report to view or enter a key word in the Reports (matching filter) field.
  2. Double-click on the report you wish to view, or select the report and click the OK button to display the report.

  1. If you wish to export the report data (format options include: XML; CSV; PDF; MHTML; Excel; TIF; MS Word). click the Export drop-down menu, and select the desired format.

  1. If you have a report displayed and wish to view a different report, click the select icon at the top left of the page.