View the Popular Web Sites Dataset

The Popular Web Sites dataset identifies the web applications and web sites most frequently accessed by members of the analyzed user community. In most cases, these applications and sites are those that are most important in promoting user productivity through fast and efficient infrastructure design.

The web applications and web sites accessed by each user in the visualized community are tracked and aggregated, and the most frequently accessed sites are determined. This information may assist the IT architect in designing and maintaining web-based applications that are important to the community and in optimizing access to frequently accessed sites.

Popular Web Sites Dataset Perspectives

Each dataset is provided with one or more Perspectives. See View Datasets for more information on dataset perspectives and how to customize your perspective display.


This perspective offers insight into the web applications and web sites most frequently accessed by the user community. Information for the most popular sites is provided, along with measurements of the breadth of the user community that accesses the site, the number of systems from which those accesses were made, and the period over which the site was used.

Popular Web Sites

Websites most frequently visited by the largest number of unique users in the enterprise reveals which sites are most important to daily work, and possibly those that generate the most non-work related hits.