View the Boot and Login Dataset

The Boot and Login dataset is available from the Enterprise and Desktop modules. It provides an indication of the boot and login performance experienced by users in the visualized environment. Information in this dataset indicates how long it takes to boot and login to collections of systems, which stages in the boot and login sequences take the most time, and other information related to the resources required to complete these operations. The initialization sequence for each system in a collection is characterized as the main boot path, a period of time spent waiting for the user to login, the login sequence, and finally a post boot sequence (during which the system is accessible to the user but the system may still be busy completing boot-related and login-related tasks). Time spent waiting for the user to login is removed to help normalize results.

Each collection of systems in the visualized environment is analyzed, and the boot and login processes are measured and quantitized. This information may be useful from both a management and operational perspective in improving boot and login experiences of users in the environment.

Boot and Login Dataset Perspectives

Each dataset is provided with one or more Perspectives. See View Datasets for more information on dataset perspectives and how to customize your perspective display.


This perspective provides an overview of the boot and login performance of collections of systems in the visualized environment. It is helpful in identifying cases where the time required to complete boot and/or login operations has a negative impact on productivity.

Boot Details

This perspective provides details on the operations required to complete the system boot process for collections of systems in the visualized environment. The timing for the boot stages shown reflects how long it takes to complete each segment of the boot operation.

Login Details

This perspective provides details on the operations required to complete the logon process for collections of systems in the visualized environment. The timing for the login stages shown reflects how long it takes to complete each segment of the login operation.

Profiles and Group Policy

This perspective provides details on profile and group policy processing required to complete the system boot and login processes for collections of systems in the visualized environment.

Boot/Login Resources

This perspective provides details on the resources consumed during system boot and login processes for collections of systems in the visualized environment.