View the Application Virtualization Dataset

This dataset is available from both the Enterprise and Desktop modules. The Application Virtualization dataset depicts the extent to which Software Packages that are presently in use may be compatible with Application Virtualization technology. Application Virtualization allows Software Packages to be packaged and delivered to the user in a way that minimizes or eliminates installation procedures, facilitates compatibility with other Software Packages, minimizes the impact of Software Package upgrades, and facilitates delivery of desktops through desktop pools. Compatibility with Application Virtualization may influence the design of application delivery environments, enabling new efficiencies that reduce the total cost of ownership.

Each Software Package in the visualized environment is analyzed for specific attributes that may complicate or preclude delivery of the application through application virtualization technology. This information may assist the IT architect to design the computing environment in a way that delivers needed Software Packages using the lowest cost and lowest impact methodology.

Application Virtualization Dataset Perspectives

Each dataset is provided with one or more Perspectives. See View Datasets for more information on dataset perspectives and how to customize your perspective display.


This perspective provides a high level view of the extent to which application virtualization technologies may be successfully leveraged in the visualized environment. Application virtualization may offer substantial benefits in reduction of administrative costs and promote desktop pooling among the user community, but may be limited in certain cases by specific attributes of the software packages in use.

Packages Already Virtualized

This perspective identifies software packages that have been identified in the environment as being delivered through application virtualization on one or more systems. Note that any application virtualization concerns identified may have either been avoided through specific techniques or may have been ignored at the loss of some functionality, which may or may not be significant to the user experience.

Virtualization Concern Details

This perspective shows the detailed application virtualization concerns that must be considered for each software package during the design and qualification phase.

Packages with Device Drivers

This perspective identifies software packages that contain one or more device drivers. Such software packages may require special consideration if they are to be delivered through application virtualization.

Packages with Services

This perspective identifies software packages that contain one or more services. Such software packages may require special consideration if they are to be delivered through application virtualization.

Packages with Office Add-ins

This perspective identifies software packages that contain one or more Microsoft Office Add-in components. Such software packages may require special consideration if they are to be delivered through application virtualization.

Packages with IE Extensions

This perspective identifies software packages that contain one or more Internet Explorer extensions. Such software packages may require special consideration if they are to be delivered through application virtualization.

Packages with IE Toolbars

This perspective identifies software packages that contain one or more Internet Explorer Toolbars. Such software packages may require special consideration if they are to be delivered through application virtualization.

Packages with Shell Extensions

This perspective identifies software packages that contain one or more Windows shell extensions. Such software packages may require special consideration if they are to be delivered through application virtualization.

Packages with 16-bit Components

This perspective identifies software packages that contain one or more 16-bit components. Such software packages may require special consideration if they are to be delivered through application virtualization.

Packages with 64-bit Components

This perspective identifies software packages that contain one or more 64-bit components. Such software packages may require special consideration if they are to be delivered through application virtualization.

Candidates for Application Virtualization

Packages in the upper left may be good candidates for virtualization as they have the fewest concerns and will have the greatest impact to the enterprise.