View the Application Faults Dataset

The Application Faults dataset is available from both the Enterprise, Desktop. and Server modules. It provides an assessment of how problems with applications may impact the users in the community being analyzed. Applications, the executable components of Software Packages, may fault due to application programming errors, environmental issues, resource constraints, and other causes. Such faults, which may be exhibited as application crashes or applications hangs, often have a serious impact on user productivity, user satisfaction with the IT environment, and the overall user experience.

Each application fault detected in the visualized community is analyzed and categorized by its type and underlying cause. This information may assist the IT architect to identify and resolve the underlying cause of the fault, and may additionally help distinguish application faults that are (or are not) the result of changes made in the application delivery infrastructure.

Application Faults Dataset Perspectives

Each dataset is provided with one or more Perspectives. See View Datasets for more information on dataset perspectives and how to customize your perspective display.


This perspective summarizes application faults detected on visualized systems during the observation period. Faults are analyzed and categorized according to their cause. This overview may help the IT architect to focus resources on problematic applications that affect the largest part of the user community.

Faults Affecting Multiple Systems

This perspective shows application faults that were detected on more than one computer system in the visualized community. Faults are analyzed and categorized according to their cause. Faults that occur on more than one system are likely to indicate software problems as opposed to isolated user configurations and behaviors.

Fault Technical Details

This perspective provides the full technical details for each category of fault detected in the visualized community. Information provided here may be helpful to software developers in resolving specific problems.

Application Hangs

This perspective shows those application faults that were manifested to the user as a hang of the respective application. Such faults are indicative of a class of faults that may be more difficult to isolate and resolve due to the lack of a specific crash dump. Applications with high application hang counts are often associated with user frustration due to the poor quality of the end user experience.

Application Crashes

This perspective shows those application faults that were manifested to the user as a crash of the respective application. It is possible to configure the computer system on which these crashes occur such that a crash dump file is automatically generated. Such crash dump files make debugging and fault resolution by the application developer much easier.

Troubled Applications

Applications in the upper right quadrant are causing high amounts of productivity loss in the enterprise and may be in need of patching, upgrade, or further investigation.