Risk Datasets

Access to Risk datasets is dependent on your security permissions as set by your System Administrator in SysTrack Deploy. A dataset will not be displayed under the Observations menu for the following reasons:

  • You do not have security permissions to view a particular dataset
  • No data is available for a particular dataset

The table below describes each available Risk dataset. Click the links for detailed information about a dataset.

Dataset Description
Application Security Provides information about which applications might provide a security risk. Only available in the Basic perspective.
Security Risk Provides an indication of the security risk posed by the system based on a variety of factors including web browsing exposure and software update status.
Systems with Risky Applications Shows the counts of applications by systems that might present a security risk. Only available in the Basic perspective.
User Security Provides information about users, their accounts and privileges that may impact the level of information security available from the visualized environment.

Each dataset is provided with one or more Perspectives. See View Datasets for more information on dataset perspectives and how to customize your perspective display.