View the Power Dataset

The Power dataset provides information about the energy consumed by computer systems and the energy used to cool the environment in which they operate. Organizations spend substantial financial resources to operate the computer equipment that makes users more productive. In many cases, computers are left to run around the clock, continually consuming electricity for direct energy usage and the operation of building cooling equipment. In such cases, it may be possible for those organizations to save money through the use of automated power management technologies. Even on virtualized platforms, savings of both compute resources and energy are possible through such techniques.

The energy consumption in the visualized community is analyzed and actual user and application behavior is compared with the system power state to determine where savings might be possible. This information may assist the IT architect in reducing overall virtualized resource requirements and in realizing energy savings on both physical and virtualized computer platforms through automated power management.

Power Dataset Perspectives

Each dataset is provided with one or more Perspectives. See View Datasets for more information on dataset perspectives and how to customize your perspective display.


This perspective provides energy consumption information for each physical computer system in the visualized environment. For each system, data that helps to understand the direct electricity used, the indirect energy costs for cooling the environment around the computer, and the total operational energy costs are shown.

Energy Consumption Detail

This perspective provides more technical data regarding the energy used to operate each physical computer system. Energy consumed is shown in the average direct electricity consumption in power-on periods, as well as in total energy consumed over a typical month.

Power Management Savings Potential

This perspective provides an analysis of the energy that might be saved if the power-on profile for the computer system were optimized through active power management technology. Savings potential are calculated from an optimal use standpoint, where the maximum possible savings are realized through SysTrack Power Manager.

System Energy Profile

This perspective depicts an energy profile for each computer system in the visualized environment. For each system, the observed on-time is compared with the optimized on-time achievable through SysTrack Power Manager. The potential for additional energy savings is also quantified.

Energy Cost Detail

This perspective details energy costs for each computer system. Direct electricity costs, indirect cooling costs, and the total operation cost are provided with average consumption in watts during power-on periods and the typical percentage of time that the computer system is powered on.

Candidates for Power Management

Systems found in the lower right of the chart may be good candidates for SysTrack Power Manager. Systems in the upper left quadrant are exhibiting unpredictable behavior and have little to gain from power management software.

Electricity Waste

Desktops in the upper right of the chart are extremely wasteful on electricity use, which can be recovered by implementing SysTrack Power Manager.