View the People Dataset

The People dataset provides insight into the behavior and needs of the user community being visualized. A clear understanding of these requirements facilitates design and implementation of optimized application delivery through the most efficient means possible.

Each user in the visualized community is statistically analyzed and presented in this dataset with key performance indicators that may be helpful in planning the IT environment. These statistics help the IT architect to understand the resource demands, diversity of systems and applications accessed, user experience, and other factors that may distinguish this person's associated needs. Each perspective offered is designed to showcase these needs as they may influence the delivery of IT resources in ways that make people more productive.

People Dataset Perspectives

Each dataset is provided with one or more Perspectives. See View Datasets for more information on dataset perspectives and how to customize your perspective display.


This perspective provides a high level overview of the users that are served by the computer systems in the visualized community. For each user, the login hours per week (including display lock and screen saver time), average resource consumption, count of systems used, and count of software packages used are shown.

CPU Technical Analysis

This perspective provides more detailed technical information about the memory demands presented by each user. This deeper detail may provide further insight into the load presented by each member of the visualized community.

Memory Technical Analysis

This perspective provides more detailed technical information about the memory demands presented by each user. This deeper detail may provide further insight into the load presented by each member of the visualized community.

I/O Technical Analysis

This perspective provides more detailed technical information about the disk I/O demands presented by each user. This deeper detail may provide further insight into the load presented by each member of the visualized community.

I/O Read and Write Technical Details

This perspective shows disk I/O technical information, including separate statistics for read and write activity for each member of the visualized user community. This information is likely to be useful in the design of an efficiently performing storage subsystem by the IT architect.

Usage Summary

This perspective shows more detailed technical information about how each member of the visualized community uses computing resources. The IT architect may find it helpful to understand these workload details when designing the application delivery infrastructure.

Application Startup Experience

This perspective offers insight into the startup delay experienced by users across all applications that they use. While some applications inherently require more time to start due to others due to processing requirements during the load sequence, statistical measurements offered here may help to depict typical delays across the user community.

Application Workload Details

Data delivered in this perspective helps to size the overall workload presented by a user in the visualized environment across the full software package and application set. Detailed technical data shown here may be helpful in understanding how a particular user presents for the computing environment used.

Login Configuration

Data offered in this perspective describes the aspects of the environment that support login of users in the visualized environment. Information shown here may be helpful in planning and optimizing login time through careful planning of the events that take place during user login.

Security Attributes

Data offered in this perspective describes the aspects of the environment that relate to account configurations and account passwords.

User Details

Data offered in this perspective describes the aspects of the environment that describe the configuration details of user accounts in the visualized environment.

Users by Applications and Computer Resources

Users that log in to one computer and use a small subset of enterprise applications can be found in the lower left of the chart. Users that log into many systems and use a wide range of applications can be found in the upper right quadrant.

User Resource Footprint

Users that consume the most resources while active have the greatest impact to the IT infrastructure overall (especially when virtualized). These users (found in the upper right) require the greatest amount of CPU and memory resources.