View the Computer Concerns Dataset

The Computers Concerns dataset is available from the Desktop module. It provides an assessment of how hardware that is part of the existing computing platform may impact user needs for future application delivery platforms. Some attributes of the current hardware environment may promote user behaviors that are critical to enable the day to day activities of the user. Such capabilities may influence the design of systems that meet the future needs of the community.

Each computing system in the visualized environment is analyzed for specific devices and use that may dictate aspects of application delivery environment. This information may assist the IT architect to specify local computing resources and device support that are adequately satisfy the requirements of the end user community.

Computer Concerns Dataset Perspectives

Each dataset is provided with one or more Perspectives. See View Datasets for more information on dataset perspectives and how to customize your perspective display.


This perspective identifies specific attributes of computer use and computer device use that may impact the design and delivery of applications to its users. Each computer device in the visualized community is analyzed for mobility attributes, local printers, modems, and USB storage device use.

Systems with Mobility Requirements

This perspective identifies those computers that are either potentially used as mobile devices or are observed in mobile use during the observation period. Devices that were not observed in mobile use but have a form factor that would promote such mobility are identified as potentially mobile.

Systems where USB Devices are Used

This perspective identifies those computers on which the user community leverages USB storage devices. Such devices may be used either continuously, or their intermittent use may be detected during the observation period.

Systems with Local Printers

This perspective identifies those computers that have locally attached printers.

Systems with Modems

This perspective identifies those computers that have installed modem devices.

Systems with No Mobility or Device Needs

This perspective enumerates computer systems in the visualized community that are not mobile and have no local printers, modems, or USB devices.