View the Application Latency Dataset

The Application Latency dataset is available from the Desktop module. It provides information about which applications have dependencies on external servers and data sources, how such dependencies may align with the needs of other applications and systems, and how delays inherent in the network communications design may impact the end user experience of users in the community.

The applications on each computer system in the visualized environment are analyzed to determine the external systems on which those applications depend in actual use. The network delays incurred during the support of these applications are measured and then categorized by the source network on which the computer application is executed, the application, and the target external system. This information may assist the IT architect in selecting computing resources that may best be co-located in specifying the network location of elements of the application delivery environment and in designing the networks that facilitate communication among applications and systems that support the user community.

Application Latency Dataset Perspectives

Each dataset is provided with one or more Perspectives. See View Datasets for more information on dataset perspectives and how to customize your perspective display.


This perspective delivers a high level view of networked applications and their dependencies on target servers. Systems on which these applications execute are organized by their target server, and rows depict typical measured latency from those subnets to the target server for the specified application.

Technical Detail by Subnet

This perspective offers greater technical detail in depicting latency experienced by networked applications in communicating with dependent servers. Statistical data enhances the understanding of the behavior of underlying networks. The standard deviation of latency, in particular, helps quantify the range of latency experienced on the specified connection. Latency is statistically analyzed by samples of computers on the source subnet.

Technical Detail by System Samples

This perspective offers greater technical detail in depicting latency experienced by networked applications in communicating with dependent servers. Statistical data enhances the understanding of the behavior of underlying networks. The standard deviation of latency, in particular, helps qualify the range of latency experienced on the specified connection. Latency is statistically analyzed by of individual latency samples taken on the source subnet.

Latency to Default Gateway

This perspective delivers a high level view of networked applications and their dependencies on target servers. Systems on which these applications execute are organized by their source subnet, and rows depict typical measured latency from those subnets to the target server for the specified application.

Application Server Latency

This perspective shows the latency from each source subnet to the default gateway for that subnet. Since most network traffic from computers traverses the default gateway, ensuring minimal latency here may be particularly helpful to overall performance.