Offline Resolve

With Offline Resolve enabled, you can use SysTrack to view data from a system that is currently offline.

NOTE: The offline data is also available when you look up an offline system in Assist.

Offline Resolve (sometimes referred to as a Cached Database) is a game-changer for global IT operations, especially with offshore teams operating across different time zones. Even in the absence of an online connection to a system, IT staff can access a snapshot of stored data for troubleshooting. SysTrack can be configured to save the snapshot of stored data once per day or when a user logs off the system. It is available for regular systems, pooled systems, and pooled users.

The following sections cover how to enable, configure, and use Offline Resolve.

IMPORTANT: You must update your agents to 10.12 before you start to configure and use this feature.

Enable the Feature

To enable the Offline Resolve feature for your tenant, contact the Lakeside Customer Success team.

TIP: After the feature is turned on, you need to configure the settings before Offline Resolve will start working. By default, its settings are turned off so that you are collecting the offline data only when you choose to do so.

Configure Settings

After the Customer Success team enables the Offline Resolve feature for you, follow these steps to configure the settings that turn it on:

  1. Go to Configure so that you can configure the Role as explained in the following steps.

  2. Under System Configuration, select Roles.

  3. Select the lock so that you can edit the page.

  4. At the top of the page, select the Role for which you want to configure the Offline Resolve settings.

  5. Assign the role to a Configuration that includes the systems that you will want to monitor with Offline Resolve.

  6. In the Additional Settings menu, select Database Maintenance.

  7. After you select Database Maintenance, you see the settings for Offline Resolve.

    The settings are the following two check boxes:

    • Cache Database: If you check this box, SysTrack sends database snapshots for the systems in your Configuration to the master once per day. These snapshots are then available for you to use for troubleshooting a system while it is offline.

      IMPORTANT: You must check Cache Database to use Offline Resolve. If you check only Cache Database on logout, Offline Resolve will not work.

    • Cache Database on logout: If you check this box, SysTrack sends a database snapshot at the time that a system goes offline. Checking this box ensures you have the latest possible snapshot for troubleshooting an offline system.

    If you check both check boxes, the snapshot taken on logout replaces the daily snapshot for that day. You do not end up with two snapshots for that day.

Non-Windows Offline Systems

For Mac and Linux systems, Offline Resolve caches the database as described in the preceding section. For Android systems, Offline Resolve caches the database once per day as described in the preceding section. However, Android systems will not cache the database on logout.

Use Offline Resolve

Offline Resolve works similarly to regular Resolve. With Offline Resolve, the difference is that you are viewing a snapshot (or a Cached database view) of data for an offline system, rather than viewing current data for an online system.

TIP: Offline Resolve snapshots display the last 60 minutes of data that SysTrack collects in 15-second intervals. Additionally, SysTrack retains data for more extended periods at lower granularities: 10-minute intervals are available for the past 30 days, and 2-hour intervals are available for up to the last 3 years.

Follow these steps to use Offline Resolve:

  1. Go to Resolve.

  2. In the Find User box, enter the user whose system you want to troubleshoot.

  3. Under Users, select the user whose system you want to troubleshoot.

  4. Under Systems, select the system you want to troubleshoot. A system with cached data from Offline Resolve will have the Cached icon under it.

    The Resolve page of cached data for that system appears. At the top right of the page, you see that Current Focus shows as Cached.

  5. You can now troubleshoot the system even though it is currently offline.