Graphing Tool

Resolve's Graphing tool generates graphs for selected system metrics and milestones over a specified time period. The graphing section enables you to overlay multiple graphs to easily view and compare related concerns.

Time Window Section

In the Graphing tool, you use the Time Window section similarly to how you use it for other tools, as explained here. Like the Black Box tool, the Graphing tool includes Averaging options.

One difference in the Graphing tool's Time Window section is that the time you set there controls all of the data that appears in the tool. This is slightly different from the Black Box tool, where the time you set there controls just the data in that tool's Graph section.

Graph Section

By default, the Graph section shows you a series of data points named % Total CPU. You can add or remove System data series and Milestones with the Advanced Controls.

Hover over any data points in the graph to see more details about them. If you click a data point, the Black Box tool opens so that you can review what was happening on the system at that point in time. For example, you might look at which applications were active.

Advanced Controls Section

The Advanced Controls section gives you many controls and options for complex configurations of your Graphing tool graph. The controls have the same functions as those in the Black Box tool. See Advanced Controls for full descriptions.

Graph Data Section

This Graph Data section shows a table of the data for each series you added to the graph (via the Advanced Controls section).

EXAMPLE: If you select CPU Minutes, Changes, and Alarms in the Advanced Controls section, the Graph Data section shows a column of details for each of those three items.