Dependencies Tool

Resolve's Dependencies tool provides a system dependency map with a history of systems that have been used to access the selected focus system. This tool also includes dependencies for local drives, mapped drives, and applications. The lines connecting the dependencies show network latencies to and from dependent back end servers.

NOTE: Session access nodes appear only if both user and system were specified when selecting the focus system.

To get started with this tool, select a focus user, configure a Time Window for the data that displays on this page, and then proceed with the following sections.

Dependency Map

The dependency map is useful for tracking down problems. For example, when a connecting line for a dependency is red, that indicates an issue. If the map has any red lines, you can use other Resolve tools to investigate further.

Latency (in milliseconds) is provided for individual dependencies. For items such as a Default Gateway, you would expect and generally see a low latency connection.

The Dependencies from last 3 days slide control on the lower left of the page enables you to adjust the time period for the displayed application dependencies.

To zoom in and out on the dependency map, use your mouse's scroll wheel or the + and - keys on your keyboard. Click and drag on the map to move sections in and out of view.

Hover over the color-coded status icons for Alarms and Agent to see more details. Hover over the status icons on dependency connecting lines to see more latency details.

Configuration Settings

Use the configuration settings along the right side of the page to configure the type of dependencies you want to see.

Node Visibility By Latency State

To show or hide the various dependency nodes (Show All, Good, Warning, Critical, or Unknown), check or uncheck the check boxes.

Remote Sessions

Under Remote Sessions, check or uncheck the box to show or hide remote sessions on the dependency map.

Usage Category

Under Usage Category, you can choose to view Applications or Websites.

  • If you choose Applications, you can filter by a specific application. In the Filter by app field, enter the name of the application to filter by (such as chrome.exe).
  • If you choose Websites, you can filter by minimum focus time. Check the Group Websites check box if you want to display one group of websites at a time. Then you can page forward or back through the groups with the Group selector arrows.

Home Drives and Mapped Drives

If the system has more than three mapped or local drives, a Home Drives or Mapped Drives control appears below the other configuration settings. Click the forward or back arrow to display the next or previous group of drives on the dependency map.

NOTE: If the user has employed more than eight methods of accessing their desktop, a control for access methods appears. You can click the arrows to move forward or back through the groups of access methods.