Adjust the Time Window and Focus Time

Many of Resolve's Basic Tools and Advanced Tools include the Time Window section at the top of the page. The Time Window section enables you to control the start time and end time for the data that appears in the sections below it.

The Time Window section in Resolve, without Focus Time

You can change the time window in these ways:

  • Select a preset time range from the drop-down in the upper right (the default is Custom).
  • Drag the entire time range bar.
  • Drag either end of the time range bar to change the start or end date and time.
  • To manually edit the date and time, click in any of the boxes that display the date and time. Type the full date and time you want, and press Enter.

Focus Time

The Dashboard Tool and the Black Box Tool include Focus Time options in the Time Window section. You can adjust the Focus Time options and then use the other sections on the page to review what was happening on the system during your selected time window and at your selected focus time.

On the left side of the Time Window section's title bar, the length and detail level (L, M, or H) of the time range adjust based on your selections.

These are the three detail level options :

  • High granularity (H) moves in 15 second increments.

  • Medium granularity (M) moves in 10 minute increments.

  • Low granularity (L) moves in 2 hour increments.

TIP: The detail level options appear in the title bar only when Focus Time options are available.

The Focus Time marker is a red triangle that you can drag across the time line to adjust the focus time.

The Time Window section in Resolve, with the Focus Time marker and other options

In the center of the Time Window section's title bar, you see a Focus Time counter and five buttons.

The Focus Time box in Resolve includes step buttons and an Interval field

You can hover over each button to see its function:

  • Step the focus time backward one time point: Select this button to step backward one increment.

  • Step the focus time forward one time point: Select this button to step forward one increment.

  • Jump to the latest focus time point: Select this button to jump to the latest point.

  • Automatically step the focus time forward at specified interval: Select this button to make the focus time step forward automatically. The number in the box next to this button tells you how often the steps occur.

  • Automatically grab the latest data at the collection interval: Select this button to get the latest data at each collection interval

Averaging Options

In the Time Window section, the Black Box tool and the Graphing tool include an Averaging field with options that you can select.

The Time Window section in the Black Box Tool includes an Averaging field

Use the Averaging options to control how Resolve treats the raw data points before it graphs them.

  • Auto: Select Auto to graph the raw data points without altering them, only if there are not too many point to graph, such as when the time window is set to High detail level or a long time window. The maximum number of points that can be graphed is 500. Above that, the chart will average the points so that they meet the 500 point maximum.

  • Other options: The other options are one hour, day, week, or month. For these options, Resolve averages the data into the hour day week or month periods, based on your selection. In the other sections of the page, an asterisk before the series name (such as *% Total CPU) indicates that the series is being averaged because of too many data points or a manual setting.

EXAMPLE: If the Averaging setting is 1 Hr and the time window is the last 24 hours, 24 data points will be graphed. If the raw data is at a higher sample rate than one hour, the points occurring in each hour are averaged to get the value for that hour's data point.