SysTrack Reports

The SysTrack Reports tab includes the following collection of report types:

These reports can be downloaded individually or as a group in PDF, Word or Excel formats.

Analyze Reports

Reports listed under the Analyze Reports tab encompass application, user, and system behavior and include the following top level categories:

  • Application
  • Hardware
  • Networking
  • Software Packages
  • System
  • Users
  • Virtualization Management

Each report has its own set of parameters for customization.

Transform Reports

The reports listed under the Transform Reports tab cover the status of deployed images and packages within a SysTrack Transform project. Transform reports are tailored to the specified project. Examples might include:

  • Image Instances
  • Packages Installed vs Assigned
  • Package Readiness
  • Package Triage
  • System Package Readiness

IP Reports

The reports listed under the IP Reports tab cover application demand analysis and image optimization and include:

  • Software Package Plan
  • Software Package Requirements
  • System Image Plan

These reports can be run for any of the specific models defined using SysTrack Image Planner (IP Web).