ServiceNow Integrations Release Notes

The following sections are Release Notes for SysTrack's ServiceNow integrations.

Assist for ITSM 4.1.1

In Assist for ITSM 4.1.1, bug fixes include:

  • The SysTrack Diagnostics tab in Assist for ITSM sometimes displayed only an error when the data that should have been displayed included some null data. This issue is now fixed so that the tab displays data as expected in these situations.

  • The SysTrack Diagnostics tab in Assist for ITSM sometimes displayed a different error when the data that should have been displayed included specific historical data. This issue is now fixed so that the tab displays data as expected in these situations.

  • The SysTrack Diagnostics tab in Assist for ITSM sometimes displayed an error if one of the tabs was not in a view. This issue is now fixed so that the tab displays data as expected in these situations.

Assist for ITSM 4.1

In Assist for ITSM 4.1, major improvements include:

  • Better flexibility and compatibility with your customizations in ServiceNow: You can now customize how a system is identified for use in Assist for ITSM. Prior to this release, Assist for ITSM relied strictly on the Configuration Item's FQDN in the ServiceNow Incident. Now you have the option to customize several identifying attributes within an Incident. For example, if your company uses an Incident's Impacted System to identify the system (rather than using the Configuration Item), and you use Logical Name for the system name, you can set those properties in the application so that SysTrack can properly identify those systems.

  • Improved performance for data collection: We consolidated many data requests to reduce the impact of data retrieval on the ServiceNow instance on which you run the application. You should see increased performance of the application and lower resource impact within ServiceNow.

Assist for ITSM 4.0

In Assist for ITSM 4.0, major improvements include:

  • Available on more workspaces: Capability to view Assist for ITSM data on Agent Workspaces and the Service Operations Workspace.

  • New Compliance tab: Assist for ITSM now includes a new tab named SysTrack Compliance. This tab brings both live compliance data and historical snapshot compliance data from the Compliance page in Assist into ServiceNow.

  • Switch back and forth between live and snapshot data: Assist for ITSM now allows you to compare live data (in real-time) and snapshot data (from the time the ticket was created). Use radio buttons to toggle back and forth between the two views. Compare any software changes, reboot differences, any data that can help you troubleshoot issues. Live data is shown by default.

  • Find users based on different name combinations: Assist for ITSM now provides more options to find and match users in order to investigate their critical applications. First, Assist for ITSM will try to match the username. If there is no match, it will try the SysTrack ID. If this option fails, it will attempt the UPN and email address.

Assist for ITSM 3.2.0

In Assist for ITSM 3.2.0, major improvements include:

  • New Automation History Tab: Assist for ITSM now adds a new tab to the ServiceNow Incident form, showing which SysTrack Automations have been run when, from where, and by whom, for the current system and across SysTrack apps. This information allows quick assessment of what actions may have worked or have not worked to solve the problem, as well as what next steps are available.

  • SysTrack Automated Entry: This new check box settings option enables the creation of Notes tab entries in the associated Incident each time Assist for ITSM is used to run Automations, either from the Detected Issues tab as Auto-Fixes or the Tools tab as standalone Automations. These entries serve as records of which Automations ran successfully or failed, additionally recording the associated Sensor if an Auto-Fix was run.

  • Run Summary in Tools Tab: In the SysTrack Tools tab, IT service desk analysts can now view how many times a selected Tool has been run within the past hour, and with how many errors. This feature helps analysts judge the viability of the Tool and so speed resolution.

  • Logical Name as Backup to FQDN for GUID Search: Assist for ITSM will now attempt to use the given fully qualified domain name (FQDN) values of the Configuration Items (CIs) chosen in ServiceNow Incidents as if they were logical names, in addition to their normal treatment as FQDNs, to match to a SysTrack machine and retrieve a GUID. This change allows those CIs with FQDN values formatted as logical names to be used with Assist for ITSM.

In Assist for ITSM 3.2.0, bug fixes include:

  • The Make SysTrack Snapshot Business Rule missing from the 3.1.3 update / install set has been restored, enabling full functionality for the application.