Sensor Patterns

You can use this page to correlate sensors that are activating together. This can help you identify sensor combinations that are occurring throughout the environment with more frequency.

Sensor Patterns

This table lists the groups of sensors that are activating simultaneously. You can see the number of sensors in the pattern, and the number of systems affected by that combination of sensors. This way, you can note whether a sensor pattern is activating rarely on a few machines or if there is a more systemic problem. For example, if the Sensor Count is high but System Count is low, those sensors are only activating on a few systems, meaning that the problem is localized; whereas if there's a large System Count, there's a bigger problem that needs investigating. The average severity shows the severity of the sensors in the given pattern. The Sensors table is sorted by a combination of sensor count, system count, and severity, which displays the most important sensor patterns first.


The next table on the page displays a breakdown of the sensors selected in the first Sensor Patterns table, with the severity and description of each sensor.


The Systems section displays the systems that have the selected activated sensor pattern and their details, along with charts to visualize the systems. The charts that are one solid color mean that all of the systems with the selected pattern have the same value for that attribute. There is one value in each category for each system experiencing the pattern.