Sensor Details

This page enables you to drill down into more detailed information about a sensor and why it is activating. You can arrive at this page by double-clicking a sensor from any table containing sensors in Prevent. You can also select the category and sensor to view the details for any sensor.

For details about running a tool in Prevent, see Prevent's Tools Page.

Search for Sensors

  1. In Prevent, go to Observation > Sensor Details.

  2. In Sensor, click the drop down list.

  3. Do one of the following:

    • Click a category and then click a sensor.

    • In Search sensors, start typing text and the sensors that match the text displays.

  1. Click Select.

Create Notes

    You can create time-limited notes for a sensor. For example, if you have already opened a help ticket for an issue to which a sensor is alerting you, you can click the pencil icon and enter a note such as "Known issue," and set an expiration date.

  • The default expiration date is set for 24 hours from now. At that date, the note will disappear from this sensor's records.
  • The exclamation symbol tells you that this note is currently active. You can also see this note anywhere else in SysTrack where activated sensors are shown, such as the Resolve Tools Overview page.

NOTE: To hide a sensor or edit a sensor note, you need to enable the Sensor Settings TAS setting in SysTrack Configure or Deploy.

View options

Show Grid

By default, you view the affected systems and important information in grid (table) format. You can also add a filter or search to narrow down results.

Show Charts

This provides an alternate view of the affected systems in a pie chart format. The charts display the proportion of systems in your current view that have each type of the given system properties. Click the menu icon next to a chart to download, print, or view a chart in full screen.

Perform Actions

These icons enable you to perform the following actions on all the systems displayed in the Sensor Overview table on the Sensor Details page. If you do not want to perform these actions on all of the displayed systems, use the filter fields to display only the systems on which you want to perform the action.

Run Automations on Systems

Click this icon to run automations.

  1. Select the automation you want to run in the table and verify that the description describes what you want the action to do.
  2. Enter any Execution Parameters.
  3. In the Prompt Mode drop-down, determine whether you want the automation to run silently, prompt the user to click an OK button before the action runs, or simply notify the user that the action will run.
  4. Click the Execute button.

Run Collection Extensions on Systems

Click this icon to run collection extensions.

  1. Select the collection extension you want to run in the table and verify that the description describes what you want the action to do.
  2. Enter any Execution Parameters.
  3. Click the Execute button.

Run Engagements on Systems

Click this icon to run engagements.

  1. Select the engagement you want to run in the table and verify that the description describes what you want the engagement to do.
  2. Enter any Execution Parameters.
  3. Click the Execute button.

The system(s) to which you send the engagement will then receive a similar message to the following on their desktop.

NOTE: You can customize engagements in Configure on the Tools > Engagements page.

When the user clicks Begin, they will view a similar message to the following that includes the options they can click to address the cause of the message. In this example, the first option will run an automation to clean their disk, and the second option will take them to an external web page with instructions. The engagement will disappear after the user selects one of the options.

Show Survey

Click this icon to send surveys to systems. Select the survey from the drop-down and click the Show Survey button.

The system(s) to which you send the survey will then receive a similar message to the following on their desktop.

When the end user clicks Begin, they will view a survey similar to the following. You can customize surveys in SysTrack Configure (on the global master only) on the Tools > Surveys page.

Show Alert

Click this icon to send alerts to systems. Enter a Title and a Message to display on the alert and click the Show Alert button.

The system(s) to which you send the alert will then receive a similar message to the following on their desktop.

Sensor Trends

In the Sensor Trends section, you can view two trend graphs: By Geography and Over Time.

  • By Geography shows where the selected sensor is located from a geographical standpoint.
  • Over Time shows on how many systems that sensor was activated per day over a span of time.