Import Online Kits

NOTE: Access to SysTrack Kits is dependent on your SysTrack security settings set up in SysTrack Deploy by your System Administrator.

You cannot import Kits that were created with a version of SysTrack later than the version installed on your system. If you attempt this, you receive an error message suggesting that you upgrade to the latest SysTrack version in order to be able to use the files.

Import Online Kits

SysTrack Kits Import Kits

  1. From Online Kits click the check box next to the Kit that you want to import.
  2. Click the Import button.
  3. An Import Status dialog appears. When the import is complete, click Close.
    Import Status through import complete.

  4. The imported kit shows in the Import History grid.
  5. Additional files that are included in this package show a Download link in the Setup Instructions column.