Health Score Details

What is the SysTrack Health Score?

A machine's Health Score percentage is a ratio of how long user(s) were active on a system against the total amount of time the system was impacted by resource constraints and IT problems.

Impacted time is the actual minutes of impact on the system. If a system’s CPU is having problems for 30 minutes (whether it's queue, percent of load, or anything else), the Agent will mark 30 minutes of CPU impact. Impacted time is broken down into different categories so you can identify and correct related issues.

To identify overall system health, we take the total impacted time and divide it by the amount of time a user was active on the system.

For example, if a user was active on a PC for 8 hours and impacted for a total of 30 minutes, the Health Score for that day would be 93.75% as shown here:

30 (minutes of impact) / 480 (minutes of activity) * 100 = Impacted 6.25% of the time

100% (perfect health) - (6.25% impact) = Health Score of 93.75%

These values are only collected while a user is active on the system. So, for example, if anti-virus runs in the middle of the night and impacts CPU and Disk, we don’t count those minutes of impact towards the overall score.

What can impact health?

There are 13 different health impact categories, each has a number of items which can affect it. The categories are shown in the following table.

Health Category Description Example Factors
CPU CPU use or activity hinders productivity. Percent of Load, Queue Length
Memory Memory availability hinders productivity. Available Memory
Disk Disk availability or activity hinders productivity. IOPs, Queue Length, Disk Latency
Net Network card utilization or activity hinders productivity. Packet Rate, Retransmit %, Utilization
Latency Latency to external locations hinders productivity. Gateway, Session, Home Drive
Startup App or Session startup hinders productivity. App Startup, Session Startup
Virtual Memory Virtual Memory usage hinders productivity. Commit Ratio
Virtual Machine Virtual Machine host problems hinder VM productivity. Ballooned Memory, CPU Ready
Software Install Software installation hinders user activity. Install events
Software Updates OS/Software updates hinder user activity. Update Events
Events Key event errors indicate user activity impact. System Errors
Faults User Applications crashing or hanging hinder user activity. App Fault, App Crash, BSOD
Hardware Hardware or driver interrupts taking resources from user activity. Interrupt Rate