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Define a Slider Control
The Slider Control block is used to specify a single value and pass this on to other objects. In the example shown below, a slider can be used to specify the minimum % Total CPU value to display in a grid. When the user slides the marker to a different value, the grid updates to use the new minimum.
The query uses a parameter, @{lowerCPU} for the minimum value. The value for this parameter is supplied by the Slider block and specified in the Input Bindings section of the query block.
Setup the Slider Block
- Start with a Query block and define it as necessary.
- Drag the Slider block onto the workspace and connect it to a Query Data block.
- Specify the Pane in which to place the slider.
- Optionally, provide some text in the Prompt field to display with the slider.
- Specify the Minimum and Maximum slider values using either the fields in the Input Bindings or the manual settings. Settings in the Input Bindings will take precedence over manual entry.
- Enter the Initial value for the slider. Select from the drop down list if you want this to be an entered value, or a percent of max.
- Click the Apply button.
- Select the Query Data Block. In the Query section specify the parameter @{lowerCPU}. Then click the Apply button to save your changes.
- Open the Input Bindings section for the Query Data block. The parameter you just specified in the Query section, should now be available as a field (lowerCPU). In this field select the .value attribute from the drop-down list. (There could be more than one option depending on what parameters have been specified in the Query)
- In the example shown above, the query uses a parameter, for the minimum value. The value for this parameter is supplied by the Slider block. When you are done, click the Apply button.
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