Define a Sankey Diagram

A Sankey diagram is useful for showing volume flow between entities such as the volume of data transfer between entities on a network. Each entity is displayed as a rectangle with the link between two entities having a width proportional to its value. In the example of data transfer on a network, the larger the data transfer, the greater the width of the link.

  1. Drag a Query Data block to the workspace and define the Query Data block as necessary.
  2. Drag the Sankey Diagram block from the Toolbox into the workspace.
  3. Link the Query Data block with the Sankey Diagram by connecting the Query Data block’s output port to the Sankey Diagram block’s input port.

  1. Optionally, Name the Sankey Diagram block and provide a Description. The name will appear in the Sankey diagram pane’s title bar when the dashboard is viewed.

  2. Optionally, supply an Order for where on the Dashboard you want the Sankey diagram to display.

NOTE: The SysTrack Dashboard Viewer allows you to move most objects and save the layout, but the Order parameter places the objects initially.

  1. Select a Source, Target and Value input from their respective drop-down lists. These are required inputs.
  2. Optionally enter a Value label. This text will be appended to the numeric values displayed when a user hovers over the Sankey diagram in the dashboard.
  3. Define from which link the volume color is to be derived by selecting one of the following Link color options:
    • None - all volume flows will display as black/gray
    • Source Color - all volume flows will display as the color of their respective source blocks
    • Target Color - all volume flows will display as the color of their respective target blocks
    • Gradient - all volume flows will display as color gradients of their source and target blocks respectively
    • Reverse Gradient - all volume flows will display as reverse gradients of their source and target blocks
  1. A Reverse input may be selected to reverse the link orientation of a row when the Reverse value evaluates as false. If you wish to reverse the link orientation of the row, select the Allow link flow reversal check box, and then select the input from the Reverse on field.
  2. When you are done, click the Apply button to review your changes.