Define an SSRS Data Block

The SSRS Data block is designed to let you display data contained in SysTrack SQL reports of the Server Reporting Services (SSRS) type.

  1. Drag the SSRS Data Block from the toolbox onto the workspace.
  2. With the Query Block selected, the Object tab on the Properties pane becomes active and reflects configuration fields and information for an SSRS Data block.

  1. Optionally rename the SSRS Data Block in the Name field, and provide a Description.
  2. Select a report from the Report list on the Object tab. Expand the report headings by clicking the plus (+) icon.
  3. Open the Input Bindings section to determine if an SSRS report needs additional parameter input. If there are fields other than Refresh timer (which is always present), then additional input is required (as shown in the example below which requires IPAddress).

  1. If additional input is required, add an Option List block to the workspace, then connect the SSRS Data block so it is an input to the Option List block.

NOTE: The SSRS Data block is unique in that the Option List that supplies parameter input can be populated by the same SSRS Data block.

  1. Select the Option List block and open the Input Bindings section. Then select the appropriate Param attribute from the list.

NOTE: If the SSRS report has multiple parameters then there will be multiple Param attributes from which to choose.

  1. Click the Apply button to save the changes. The Text column and Value column fields in the Values section on the Option List Properties pane are automatically populated. A link will also be made from the Option List block back to the SSRS Data block.
  2. Optionally, select the SSRS Data block, open the Input Bindings section, and verify that the parameter input is using the Option List selectedItem attribute as shown in the example below:

  1. Attach a Visualization object, such as a grid for example.