Define an Option List

The Option List is used to present a drop-down list of options to the user and have the selected item be made available as output. The output can then be connected, for example, to the inputs of one or more Query Data blocks to supply values for parameters in the queries.

An option list can be filled in one of two ways:

  • Static Values: Manually create your own selection list
  • Dynamic Values: The Option List takes its input from a column in a Query block. If the Option List items come from a Query Block that also has a grid bound to it, the selected item will update along with the selected row in the grid.

Create an Option List Using Static Values

  1. Drag an Option List block to your workspace.
  2. Select the Option List block, and then select a dashboard Pane from the drop-down list into which you wish to place the list.
  3. In the Values section, select Static
  4. Click the Add Item button, and enter your own Value and Text. Repeat this step for each option you wish to add to the list.
  5. When you are done, click the Apply button to save your changes.

Create an Option List Using Dynamic Values

  1. Drag an Option List block to your workspace and connect it to a Query Data block.
  2. Select the Option List block, and then select a dashboard Pane from the drop-down list into which you wish to place the list.

NOTE: SysTrack Dashboard automatically creates a default Pane, named Input, but this will not display on your dashboard if nothing is added to it.

In the example below, the list will appear in the Concurrent Users pane on the displayed dashboard.

  1. Expand the Input Bindings section and select the inputs from which the list will retrieve its data.
  2. Optionally, enter an Initial Selected Value.
  3. Under Values select Dynamic to populate the list from the Query Data block (Groups in the example above)
  1. Select the Text and Value column options (GROUPNAME in the example shown above). The Text field is what displays in the drop-down option list.The Value field is the information passed to the next block.

NOTE: In this example, both Value and Text are coming from the same column (GROUPNAME), but these could be different columns.

    1. Select the Query Data Block in which you wish to add a parameter, and mark the part of the SQL statement you wish to tag as a parameter with the @{} tag. (For example, the Query SQL statement GROUPNAME = ‘All Systems’, would be replaced with GROUPNAME = @{pGROUPNAME|Group}making pGROUPNAME the parameter.
    2. When you are done, click the Apply button. The parameter you tagged (in this example pGROUPNAME) appears in the Input Bindings section as the Query Data block is now expecting an input for that parameter.
    3. In the Input Bindings for the Query Data block, select the selecteditem output of the Option List in the binding for the group parameter (as shown in the example below).

    The dashboard now includes a drop down list, and the selected item from this list determines which data is displayed.