Define a Horizon Graph

A Horizon Graph provides a way to see how an item’s value changes over time, in a compact space. A single-series area graph is divided into equal height bands based on the range of the data. These bands are then condensed into a single layer, with darker colors signifying increased distance from the base line. An example of a Horizon Graph is shown below:

  1. Drag a Query Data block to the workspace and define the Query Data block as necessary.
  2. Drag the Horizon Graph block from the Toolbox into the workspace.
  3. Link the Query Data block with the Horizon Graph by connecting the Query Data block’s output port to the Horizon Graph block’s input port.

  1. Optionally, Name the Horizon Graph block and provide a Description. The name will appear in the Horizon Graph pane’s title bar when the dashboard is viewed.
  2. Optionally, supply an Order for where on the Dashboard you want the Horizon Graph to display.
  1. In the Series section, select a Column for which to display data and optionally enter a Label for the column. If you wish to use the series mean as the base (zero) value, select Mean as Base to the right of the series line.
  2. If you wish to include another series, click the Add Series button, and repeat step 5 as necessary.
  3. Click the down arrow to the left of the Display Properties to see the various display options.

  1. Either key in, or use the up and down arrows to select the number of Bands you wish to display in the graph.
  2. Select a Display type:
    • Mirror - both the positive and negative values extend up from the X-axis

    • Offset - the negative values extend down from the top of the chart

  3. Select an Interpolation style:
    • Linear

    • Spline

    • Step


  4. If you wish to use the default positive (green) and negative (red) colors, select the Use default colors check box.
  5. If you wish to select your own colors, click on the colored square next to Positive color, and Negative color, and select your color of choice for each of these.
  6. Optionally, choose to Display the axes, or leave this check box unchecked if you do not wish to display the axes.
  1. When you done, click the Apply button to save your changes.