Define a Heat Chart

Shows a single data dimension using two axes in a circular layout. This type of chart is useful for showing cyclic data such as hours of the day during the week and makes it easy to identify clustered data values such as periods of peak usage. The example below shows Active Users hours during the week.

  1. Drag a Query Data block to the workspace and define the Query Data block as necessary.
  2. Drag the Heat Chart block from the Toolbox into the workspace.
  3. Link the Query Data block with the heat Chart by connecting the Query Data block’s output port to the Heat Chart block’s input port.

  1. Optionally, Name the Heat Chart block and provide a Description. The name will appear in the Heat Chart's pane’s title bar when the dashboard is viewed.

NOTE: The SysTrack Dashboard Viewer allows you to move most objects and save the layout, but the Order parameter places the objects initially.

  1. Open the Input Bindings section and select an input from the Data field's drop-down list.
  2. From the Segment label column field's drop-down list select the data with which to define the pie-like wedges of the Heat Chart.
  3. From the Radial label column field's drop-down list select the data with which to define the concentric circles of the Heat Chart.
  4. From the Data value column field's drop-down list select the data with which to control the color of the segments at the intersections of the two axes of the segments and the concentric circles.
  5. When you are done, click the Apply button to save your changes.