Define a Data Filter

The Data Filter Data Control block allows you to filter the output of a data control block to only the data you really want to display in the results. Parameter values can be supplied to the Data Filter block by attaching inputs such as the Option List or Date/Time Data Control blocks and binding the parameters to the outputs of those blocks. This enables you to use a single Data block to connect to a number of Visualization Object blocks with each of those displaying a subset of the data returned by the Data block.

When defining values you can use a fixed value, or you can make the filters dynamic by using a variable for the test value. When you use variables in the filter definition they are then available for linking to other blocks in the Dashboard Builder. For example, if you want to display everything after a certain date in your dashboard, add a filter against a Date/Time column and define the variable as "start date". Once saved, the Query Data block can be bound to a Date/Time Control block using the "Start Date" as input to the Data Query block. The value entered by the user will be substituted into the query at query time.

  1. Start by dragging either a Query Data block or a SSRS Data block to the workspace.
  2. Drag a Data Filter Control block to the workspace and connect the Query Data block to it as input.

  1. Select the Data Filter block to display its properties. In the Filter section, click the Edit Filter button to display the Filter Builder

  1. To define a filter, click the Add Test button.
  1. Select a data column from the left drop-down menu.
  2. Select a condition from the middle drop-down menu.
  3. Select either fixed value, or variable named from the right drop-down menu.
  4. If you selected variable named, enter a variable in the <enter variable> field. If you select fixed value, enter a value.
  1. You can add additional Tests or Groups (using the Add Group button) to further refine your filter.
  2. If you wish to delete a test or group, select the filter line and click the Delete Selected button.

NOTE: New tests or groups of tests are added after the currently selected test or group. If you wish to move the order of a test or group, you can drag and drop the test or group to the desired location.

  1. Click the Done button. The filter definitions display in the Filter section of the Data Filter's properties pane.

  1. Drag a visualization object, such as a grid, to the workspace and connect it to the output of the Data Filter Control block.
  2. Select the visualization object (for example, a grid), and open the Input Bindings section. Then select the filter Data you wish to pass from the drop-down list.

  1. When you are done, click the Apply button to save your changes.