Define a Chart

A Chart is used to show data in standard graph formats such as line, bar, column, pie, and area. To add a chart (or a graph) to a dashboard:

  1. Drag a Query Data block to the workspace and define the Query Data block as necessary.
  2. Drag the Chart block from the Toolbox onto your workspace.
  3. Link the Query Data block with the Chart by connecting the Query Data block’s output port to Chart block’s input port.

  1. Optionally, Name the Chart block and provide a Description. The name will appear in the chart pane’s title bar when the dashboard is viewed.

  2. Optionally, supply an Order for where on the Dashboard you want the chart to display.
  3. Select a default chart series type from the Default series type field for the series data. See Available Chart Series Types for more detailed information.
  4. Select a data column for the chart from the Category column drop down field. The data columns are determined by the SQL query you are using in the Query Data block.

  1. For each numeric column that you want to chart, click the Add Series button.

NOTE: If you choose not to add a series the system will create a series for every numeric column.

  1. Optionally, select a Color for each series. If you do not select a color, the system will assign default colors to each series.

  1. When you are done, click the OK button.
  2. Optionally enter a Category axis label, and Y-Axis label.
  3. Click Apply to save your changes.
  4. If you wish to add a drill-down from a series on the chart see Defining Drill-downs from more information.