Web Browsing Intelligence User Guide


Discover the web browsing behavior of you users. These behaviors inform productivity, resource consumption, stability, and performance of web applications across your enterprise.

Browsing Insights

Understand which websites are most widely used, how these websites perform, and who uses them.


Identify the browsers used, their performance, and the users that are using multiple browsers across your enterprise.

Browsing Insights

Web Usage Summary

The purpose of this grid is to gather information on the web browsing habits of users across your enterprise. Knowing how often a particular site is visited, such as the company website, and how that site is functioning can help give insight into productivity and other behaviors.

This grid displays URLs, Systems, Number of visits, Average page load times, Total focus time, and Number of errors. This data is collected over 90 days.

  • Filter for Group/s or for all systems.

  • HTTP Error Status Codes filter for specific error codes.

  • URL Search allows you to search the web usage for a particular website.

Website Error Status Codes (Selected)

This grid shows the online status and number of occurrences for a selected error. The selected system must be online in order for the detail grid to populate.

Select a system from the Web Usage Summary grid or use the entry box to search for a specific system.

Click on the downward error to see how many systems were experiencing the error and the Total Occurrences.

System Details

This grid shows every webpage for the system that exhibited the error selected from the Website Error Status Codes (Selected). Access Date, Page Title, and Full URL help pinpoint the error occurrence. The system must be online in order for the detail grid to populate.

Use the entry box for the Page Title Search and URL Search for details on a specific page title or URL.

Website Usage (Selected)

Select a Website from the Web Usage Summary grid to discover details on usage for the selected site.

Detect which Systems visited the selected site, the Number of Visits, the Average Page Load Time, and the Total Focus Time in hours over a 90 day period.

System Details

This graph presents the Access Date, the Page Title, Page Load Time in seconds, the Page Focus Time (time actively engaging with the website) in seconds, and the Full URL of the visited sites. The System Details show each page that the user visited on that website. This data is collected over 90 days. The System must be online in order for the data in System Details to load.

Use the entry box to search for a particular Page Title or URL.


Browser Summary

This graph illustrates the most frequently used browsers over the last 30 days. Identify the most stable and specific version of browser that best suits the needs of your enterprise.

Browser Combinations

This grid lists the combination of browsers some users utilize over the last 30 days. This helps to inform decisions on whether a single browser is prudent for heavy multi-browser users.

Browser Combination Systems (Selected)

This grid shows the selected system from the Browser Combination grid. The details include their preferred Browser, and the Total Focus Time in hours over the past 30 days.

Use the entry box to search for a specific system that uses a combination of browsers.

Browser Utilization Summary

This grid reveals the utilization of resources by browsers. Information includes the number of Systems, the different Versions in Use, the Average Concurrent CPU Utilization in MIPS, the Average Concurrent Utilization in MB, and the Average Concurrent Disk Utilization in IOPS.

Note: The Average Concurrent sum is derived by calculating the concurrent multiple processes of the browser being used across your enterprise over the last 30 days, not the average of individual processes.

Browser Versions (Selected)

This grid shows the Version of the selected browser, how many Systems are using the browser and the Utilization of resources: Average Concurrent CPU, Average Concurrent Memory, and the Average Concurrent Disk Utilization.

Select a browser from the Browser Utilization Summary grid for browser version details.

The latest version of a browser will be highlighted in green, older versions will be in red.

Browser Versions Systems (Selected)

Select a version from the Browser Versions (Selected).

Use the downward arrow to Filter Results Based on Selected Browser and Version, Selected Browser Only, or Show All Results.

Information details the Systems using the Browser, the Version they are using, and the utilization of resources: Average Concurrent CPU, Average Concurrent Memory, and the Average Concurrent Disk Utilization.

The latest version of a browser will be highlighted in green, older versions will be in red.