Microsoft 365 Integration Installation Instructions

Minimum Version

This DEX Pack requires SysTrack version 10.1 or higher.


  • After this DEX Pack is installed, it may take up to 24 hours for data to appear.

  • If anonymization is enabled on the tenant, the data will not display in the dashboard.

Import Kit

To use this DEX Pack, the corresponding Kit must be imported to SysTrack.

If you have already imported the DEX Pack directly from the Kits page, the Import Kit step is complete. You may move on to the next step.

If you are viewing this DEX Pack in the Customer Gateway, follow these steps to import this DEX Pack Kit:

  1. On the DEX Pack page, download the DEX Pack ZIP file.

  2. In SysTrack, open Kits.

  3. Under Local, click Select Kit File.

  4. Select the DEX Pack ZIP File.

Integrate Microsoft 365

SysTrack Configure provides additional configuration settings for interaction external third-party services including Office 365. Integration of Microsoft 365 monitoring is necessary to retrieve data.

  1. On the home page, under Settings, click on Configure.

  2. Click Integrations.

  3. Click Other Integrations and then check the box to edit for Office 365.

Dashboard Data for Office 365 Monitoring

SysTrack dashboards have a wide range of data sources. These dashboards are a result of custom collection of the Office 365 Graph API.

  1. Go to URL:

  2. Select Azure Active Directory and click through the following three app registration menus.

  3. Name the application Office365 and then click Register.

  4. Locate and click into the newly created Office 365 App Registration.

  5. Make a note of the Application (client) ID and Directory (tenant) ID, which will be used later.

  6. Select Certificates and secrets and add a New client secret.

    NOTE: In the next step, be sure to write down the secret or copy it to where you can find it later. This is the only time the secret is visible.

  7. Make a note of the secret VALUE.

  8. Select API permissions and then select Add a permission.

  9. On the Microsoft APIs tab, select Microsoft Graph.

  10. Select Application Permissions.

  11. Expand Reports and select Reports.Read.All, expand User and select and User.ReadBasic.All, then click Add Permissions.

    NOTE: You need to give permissions for Reports.Read.All because we use the Microsoft Graph API reports to pull the data and permissions for User.ReadBasic.Allto cleanup data since reports could still have data from people who no longer work at your company and no longer exist in O365 as users.

  12. Log into SysTrack Configure with a user that has TAS rights to modify settings in SysTrack Configure.

  13. Select SysTrack Settings > Integrations.

  14. Click the Lock icon in the upper right to allow for editing.

  15. On the Other Integrations tab, click the Edit icon next to Office 365 and enter the following information:

    • Tenant ID (previously called Directory (tenant) ID)

    • Client ID Field (previously called Application (client) ID)

    • Client Secret (as recorded in prior step)

    It is recommended that you leave the default retention periods and enable all collection intervals by selecting Collect Daily, Collect Weekly, etc.

    NOTE: You can find the Tenant ID and Client ID information on the app Overview page.

  16. Click OK, then click Save Changes.

  17. Click the open Lock icon to end your editing session. The integration for Office 365 data collection has now been successfully configured.

Set User Information to Display

To ensure that names for users, groups, and sites are shown in the data SysTrack collects from this integration, you must follow these steps to edit a setting in Microsoft 365 admin center:

  1. Open the Microsoft 365 admin center.

  2. Go to the Services page at Settings > Org Settings > Services page.

  3. Select Reports.

  4. Uncheck the check box for Display concealed user, group, and site names in all reports.

  5. Select Save.

TIP: For more information on this setting, see Microsoft's documentation.