Compliance and Governance User Guide


This DEX Pack Lite displays compliance and governance information, such as whether systems have been updated and whether they adhere to security standards.

NOTE: BitLocker collection requires 10.12 agent or later for complete data.

Global Filters

In the Global Filters section, you can select a group by which to limit the data that appears in the other sections on the page. The default for Group is All Systems.

BitLocker Encryption

This section shows a chart of the number of systems that report their BitLocker encryption as Fully Encrypted, Fully Decrypted, or No Data.

The query only targets the primary disk (C:).

TIP: In this section and all the following sections of this DEX Pack Lite, you can select one of these two options:

Do not pass selection to Systems table: When you select this option and then click a bar in the section, the table in the Systems section is not filtered to show the data that you clicked.
Pass selection to Systems table: When you select this option and then click a bar in the section, the table in the Systems section is filtered to show the data that you clicked.

Hover over a bar in the chart to see exact numbers.


This section shows a chart of the number of systems that are running antivirus software such as Windows Defender, Carbon Black Cloud, etc. It also shows how many systems are not running any antivirus software.

Hover over a bar in the chart to see exact numbers.


This section shows a chart of the number of systems that are running firewall software such as Windows Firewall, McAfee, etc. It also shows how many systems are not running any firewall software.

Hover over a bar in the chart to see exact numbers.

Network Connection Type

This section shows a chart of the number of systems that have connections that are secure wireless, unsecured wireless, or wired.

Hover over a bar in the chart to see exact numbers.


This section shows a chart of the number of systems that have had their last BIOS update within the last year, one to two years, two to three years, or more than three years.

Hover over a bar in the chart to see exact numbers.

Windows OS Edition

This section shows a chart of the number of systems that are running various Windows OS Editions, such as 11 Enterprise, 10 Enterprise, 10 Home, etc.

Hover over a bar in the chart to see exact numbers.

Windows OS Builds

This section shows a chart of the number of systems that are running various Windows OS Builds, by build number.

Hover over a bar in the chart to see exact numbers.


This section provides a table view of all the data that appears in the charts in other sections of the page. The table shows all the systems that you have selected to display. For each system, the table shows BIOS name and version, last BIOS update, BitLocker protection status, BitLocker conversion status, BitLocker encryption method, antivirus software, firewall software, secure wireless status, unsecured wireless status, and wired connection status.