Survey Scheduler

After building a survey schedule it as follows:

  1. In System Configuration, select Roles.
  2. Select the Survey Scheduler tab.
  3. Click + (plus) to schedule a survey.

  1. Select the survey to run.

In Schedule Type, select one of the following. These types are sensor-based so when you select one of them, the system creates a new sensor that performs custom logic based on the settings you choose.

Schedule an Alarm Survey

NOTE: What you select in After alarm dictates the available options in the second drop-down.

  1. In Schedule Type, select Alarm.
  2. In Details, select the following settings:

    1. Enter the amount of time to wait after the alarm triggers.

    2. Select the alarm type.

    3. Select the alarm type in the second drop-down list.

    4. Set the number of times after the alarm must trigger before launching the survey.

    5. Sample Rate: if a user is on a system with multiple users, sample rate is a percent chance that a user who is logged in is going to be notified to complete the survey at that time. In the example below, a 100% chance that every user logged in receives a notification to complete the survey.

In the example below, waiting 15 minutes after the application encountered an error, waiting 5 times before triggering the survey.

  1. Click OK. The Survey is now listed on the Survey Schedule tab.

Schedule an Application Survey

NOTE: For application surveys, the system knows which user launched the application. See the Apply to setting below for more information.

  1. In Schedule Type, select Application.
  2. In Details, select the following settings:

    1. Time after the application launches

    2. Which application is being tracked

    3. Number of times the application is run

    4. Apply to: All Users means the fifth time the application is run (based on Used Times) triggers the survey to send to all users. Per User means the fifth person receives the survey. Previous Users means only users who launch the specific application receive the survey. Last User means the last user who launches the application receives the survey.

    5. Single User: one user at a time. Cycles through the number of users selected in Apply to. Reviews users who are logged in and then orders them based on who has gone the longest without receiving the survey. Ensures the same users are not receiving the same survey.

    6. Sample Rate: if a user is on a system with multiple users, sample rate is a percent chance that a user who is logged in is going to be notified to complete the survey at that time. In the example below, a 100% chance that every user logged in receives a notification to complete the survey.

  3. Click OK.

Schedule a Health Survey

Use this survey to track the health score of users whose health score is declining. By triggering a survey, the system can ask users about their user experience.

  1. In Schedule Type, select Health.
  2. In Details, select the following settings:
    1. Change the amount by which the health score declines before triggering a survey.
    2. Sample Rate: if a user is on a system with multiple users, sample rate is a percent chance that a user who is logged in is going to be notified to complete the survey at that time. In the example below, a 100% chance that every user logged in receives a notification to complete the survey.

  1. Click OK.

Schedule a Login Survey

  1. In Schedule Type, select Login.
  2. In Details, select the following settings:
    1. Amount of time after number of logins to trigger the survey.
    2. Apply to: All Users means the Nth user, All users logged in get the survey after the Nth user (based on Used Times) triggers the survey to send to all users. Per User means the Nth person receives the survey. Last User means the last user who logs in receives the survey.
    3. Single User: one user at a time. Cycles through the number of users selected in Apply to. Reviews users who are logged in and then orders them based on who has gone the longest without receiving the survey. Ensures the same users are not receiving the same survey.
    4. Sample Rate: if a user is on a system with multiple users, sample rate is a percent chance that a user who is logged in is going to be notified to complete the survey at that time. In the example below, a 100% chance that every user logged in receives a notification to complete the survey.
  3. Click OK.

Schedule a Periodic Survey

Poll users once in a while with a survey.

  1. In Schedule Type, select Periodic.
  2. In Details, select the following settings:
    1. Determine how often to schedule the survey. The most often you can send the survey is every 4 hours.
    2. Sample Rate: if a user is on a system with multiple users, sample rate is a percent chance that a user who is logged in is going to be notified to complete the survey at that time. In the example below, a 100% chance that every user logged in receives a notification to complete the survey.

  1. Click OK.

Schedule a SQL Survey

Create your own survey by adding SQL code.

  1. In Schedule Type, select SQL.
  2. In Details, select the following settings:
    1. Enter SQL code to create custom logic. If it returns true, then run the survey.
    2. Click Test SQL to validate the SQL code.
    3. Send the survey, at a maximum, every 4 hours.
    4. Sample Rate: if a user is on a system with multiple users, sample rate is a percent chance that a user who is logged in is going to be notified to complete the survey at that time. In the example below, a 100% chance that every user logged in receives a notification to complete the survey.
  3. Click OK.

Delete or Edit a Survey

To delete a scheduled survey, click the button to the left of the survey.

To edit a scheduled survey, click the button to the left of the survey.