Create Automations

Complete the following steps to create an automation.

NOTE: Actions can contain files for automations, collection extensions or both. You must first have an action for the automation to build from it. See Action Builder Tab for more information.

  1. On the Automations tab, select the automation from the drop-down list. Each automation is assigned to an action. See Action Builder Tab for more information.
  2. Click Unlock to enable editing in Configure.
  3. Click the + icon.
  4. In Action Selection, select an action.
  5. NOTE: The Action Selection table contains the available actions for the selected automation, even if they are not yet approved. If you select one that is not yet approved, you must approve it on the Action Governance tab before it can run.

  6. Enter a name for the automation.
  7. In File to Execute, select the file that you want the action to run. You should only be able to select an executable file from this list.
  8. In Arguments, you can add parameters, for example, the GeneriLogCrash automation has the argument: @{AML_ITEM}. Arguments allow more flexibility during runtime. Separate multiple parameters in quotation marks.
  9. NOTE: The Action Documentation section on the right side of the page lists any required parameters for the executable. Enter these in the Arguments field. You can also enter constants and optional parameters that you wish to run in this field.

  10. In Timeout, enter the amount of time the action has to execute (five-minute maximum). If the automation does not complete in the timeout frame, the system performs a shutdown.

  11. In Prompt, enter text that displays in the pop-up to the user.

  12. In Order, enter the order in which you want this action to run. Enter 1 to run the action first, 2 to run it second, etc. This option is only available for synchronous.

  13. In Run As, select one of the following:

    • System to run the agent as the system so that it has access to most system functions but will be unable to interact with the UI.

    • Select User to run the agent as a user who is logged on to the system so that it will have limited control but will be able to interact with the UI.

  14. In Execution Policy, select one of the following:

    • Synchronous to run actions one at a time (and in a specific order if you completed the Order field).

    • Asynchronous to run multiple actions (if applicable) for this same automation in any order until the timeout is reached.

  15. Click Make available in Self-Help to make this automation visible in Self-Help.

  16. Click Make available in Assist to make this automation visible in Assist. See Schedule Automations for more information.

  17. Click Save Changes in the upper-right corner of the screen.