Configure Automations

NOTE: This is for releases prior to 10.12.

You can use the Automations page to configure the settings that allow an Action to run as an Automation.

An Action is a zip file that contains the files you want to run. It must include a metadata file that describes the Action, and it can include various other files, such as executables, bat scripts that run command line operations, PowerShell scripts, Python scripts, and so on. To run an Action, you need to create an Automation (or a Collection Extension) that tells the system what action to run and what files to run in it.

You can import Kits that contain Actions, which come with Automations that you can run for those Actions. You can also create your own Automations that use the same Action but do something different.

For example, if you have an Action that cleans disks, you could run it as a system in instances where you want to let it run for a while, such as on systems that aren’t mission critical. On other systems (such as infrastructure servers), you might want to run it for only a minute, or with specific parameters. Therefore, you could set up another Automation to run that Action as a user.

Automations Tab

At the top of the page, the drop-down list enables you to select the Automation that you want to Add, Delete, Import, or Export (via the icons).

Add, Delete, Import, Export icons

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