Sensor Notification Recipients

The Recipients tab displays all current recipients of sensor notifications and users that can be assigned to notifications.

An administrator can perform the following tasks for recipients:

  • Add or remove recipients.

  • Update existing recipients.

  • Update recipient notification assignments.

NOTE: If an administrator adds or removes recipients to a notification from this screen, the notification is not dismissed. However, if an administrator edits a notification (Configure > Notifications > Edit) to add or remove a recipient, the notification will be dismissed.

Add a Recipient

  1. Click the plus icon in the upper left corner to open Add New Recipient.

  2. Select a recipient type:

    • User: an individual

    • Distribution List: an email address for a group of individuals

    • System: a third-party system that can receive an email or webhook

  3. For user, enter the following information:

    1. First Name

    2. Last Name

    3. Work Email

  4. For distribution list, enter the following information:

    1. Name

    2. Email

  5. For system, enter the following information:

    1. Name

    2. Email or Webhook URL

NOTE: See Webhook Support for Sensor Notifications for more information about webhooks.

  1. Click Add Recipient to open Assign Notifications.

Assign Notifications

To assign notifications to this recipient, click the check box next to each notification and then click Assign Notifications.

NOTE: If you continue without assigning notifications or you dismiss the dialog box, the user is still created, but does not have any assigned notifications.

Change Notification Assignments

  1. To change notification assignments, click the number of assigned notifications in the Notifications Assigned column. The Change Assigned Notifications dialog box opens.

  2. Deselect each check box and then click Change Assignments.

If you are making changes that will leave a notification with no recipients, a message displays. When you hover over the number of notifications, a list of those notifications displays.

Delete a Recipient

When a recipient is removed, they are removed from the recipient list (and all notifications they are assigned). If that person is a SysTrack user, they are not removed from SysTrack and also not removed from the recipient list.

  1. From the Recipients tab, click the row of the recipient and click the X for delete.

  2. A dialog box displays asking if you would like to delete the user.

  3. Click Delete Recipient.

NOTE: If you remove a recipient who is the only recipient on a notification, that notification will have zero recipients but can still be enabled. In this case the notification will still show in Prevent when it is activated. If you remove the last recipient you will receive a warning that the notification will contain zero recipients.

If you hover over the number of notifications, it displays which notifications will have no recipients.

Edit Existing Recipients

  1. From the recipient list, click a recipient name.

  2. The type of recipient determines what information you can edit:

    • Users: you cannot edit any information

    • Distribution list: edit name and email

    • System (email): edit name and email

    • System (webhook): you can edit all information

NOTE: You cannot change the recipient type. For example, if you create a recipient user type, you cannot switch that type to a distribution list.

  1. To edit the notifications a user is assigned to, select the number in the notifications assigned column. This opens the change assigned notifications dialog box, as shown in the screenshot below.

  2. Select one or more notifications from the list and click Change Assignments.

Invite a User from Sensor Notifications

You can add a recipient to a sensor notification without that recipient being a SysTrack user. Depending on your permissions, that user recipient either receives an invitation to join SysTrack or your SysTrack administrator sends a request to invite them.

Invite a User

If the person taking the action of adding a new user recipient is an administrator, the user is automatically invited to SysTrack.

If the person taking the action of adding a new user recipient is not an administrator, an invitation request is generated and sent to SysTrack Administrators.

See the email invitation request below.

Delete a User

If you delete a recipient who is a SysTrack user, they are removed from all the notifications but they remain a user of SysTrack.

If you delete a recipient who is not a SysTrack user, they are removed from all notifications.

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