Automations and Collection Extensions

IMPORTANT: Automations, Collection Extensions, Action Governance, Action Builder, and Publisher Key Management are all included in this combined area starting with 10.12.

Automations and Collection Extensions Home Screen

New metadata and descriptions will initially be blank. You can use these new fields to update information to help you manage your automations and collection extensions.

If you have an existing automation or collection extension in another SysTrack environment you can import the profile. The dependent action must be available on the tenant to import.

Click the Import button to open the Import box which includes file type and the option to use a new name for imported data.


This is a table view which includes the metadata in the following columns:

Column Name Description
Name A customer defined name of the automation.
In Assist? Is the Automation available from Assist. Yes or No.
In Self-Help? Is the Automation available from Self-Help. Yes or No.
OS Operating system that the automation supports.
Run As If the automation runs as user or system.
Runtime Limit The configured run time limit.
Scheduled The number of triggers associated with the automation (tool schedules).
Last Modified The date and time when the automation was last updated.

You can search, filter, or sort by column.

Filter which is a funnel and search box with clickable arrow.

You can click an automation in the table to see the detail view.

Settings and Details of the Automation that you clicked on from the previous page.

It includes the settings, details, scheduled automations by role, sensor, how it runs, and options.

The Scheduled Automations area allows you to see the role the schedule is applied to, the link between automations, and the sensors that trigger them. You can view the role in Configure, or the sensor in Prevent by the link.

In the upper right, you can click to edit the automation, export it, or delete it.

Create Automation

IMPORTANT: You must be in edit mode, click the lock, in order to create an automation.

  1. Click Create Automation

  2. Select the Supported OS from the list. Choices are Windows, Mac, or Linux.

  3. Enter the Name for the automation.

  4. <Optional> Enter a description of the automation.

  5. Click Select Action which opens up a filtered list of actions specific to the operating system that you chose.

    NOTE: If you want a complete list of all available actions for all operating systems, click Remove OS filter in the lower left corner.

  6. Choose the action and click Select Action.

  7. The Automation shows the information that is specific to the operating system.

    • File to Execute - The file to run. If there are multiple executables in the action choose the required file.

    • Arguments - If your action is configured with required or optional parameters you can enter arguments separated by spaces. The following characters are not allowed in an argument: | ; &

    • Notify Prompt - This is the text that is shown to the user if the tool schedule is configured to notify.

    • For Additional Availability, you can enable Make available in Assist or Make available in Self-Help (Windows Only) when you check the box.

      NOTE: Actions that require arguments can not be used with automations that are published for Self-Help. If you provide an optional argument, that automation will not be available in Self-Help.

    • Run As - This setting controls whether the file that will be run is by System or the logged in User (Windows Only).

    • Execution Control - These settings control how the file to be executed is run on the system.

      If you choose Immediately (async) your Runtime Limit options are None or Cancel automation if not finished after x Minutes or Seconds. If you decide to run immediately, you can either have no time out (none) or set a time out value.

      If you choose After previous synchronous automations finish (sync) your Runtime Limit options are Use Configuration defined Max Execution Time and Only applicable if limit is less than configuration defined Max Execution Time. The default is one minute but you can select seconds. For example, if you have the max execution time defined as 5 minutes in the Configuration you can set a lower max execution time of 2 minutes because it's less than 5.

    • Order - Defines the order that this automation runs if it is triggered at the same time as other automations. For example if you have Sensor 1 set to trigger Automation A and B. Setting Automation A as 0 and Automation B as 1 will run A followed by B.

  8. Click Save Changes.

Collection Extensions

This is a table view which includes the metadata in the following columns:

Column Name Description
Name A customer defined name of the collection extension.
OS Operating system that the collection extension supports.
Run As If the collection extension runs as user or system.
Runtime Limit The configured run time limit.
Scheduled The number of triggers associated with the collection extension (tool schedules).
Last Modified The date and time when the collection extension was last updated.

You can search, filter, or sort by column.

Filter which is a funnel and search box with clickable arrow.

You can click a collection extension in the table to see the detail view.

Collection Extension detail view that shows the settings, action details, and scheduled collection extension.

Create Collection Extension

IMPORTANT: You must be in edit mode, click the lock, in order to create a collection extension.

  1. Click Create Collection Extension.

  2. Select the Supported Operating System from the list.

  3. Enter the Name for the collection extension.

  4. <Optional> Enter a description of the collection extension.

  5. Click Select Action which opens up a filtered list of actions that are defined as collection extensions.

    NOTE: Collection Extensions are only supported by Windows. If you do not have the OS metadata defined for your existing actions and you want a complete list of all available actions for all operating systems, click Remove OS filter in the lower left corner.

  6. Choose the action and click Select Action.

  7. Select the File to Execute.

  8. If your action is configured with required or optional parameters you can enter Arguments separated by spaces.

  9. Run As the System or the logged in User (Windows Only).

  10. Choose your Runtime Limit of None or Cancel automation if not finished after x Minutes or Seconds.

  11. Click Save Changes.

Publisher must match the name of the publisher from where you exported the key.

Click Open.



  1. Click Open.

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