VMware Performance Host Disk Alarms

VMware Host Disk performance counter relates to VMware host disk performance. Using this category on the Roles page Alarms tab, you can configure yellow and red level alarms for the VMware host Disk Free Space counter to monitor the percentage of total usable space on the selected logical disk drive that is free.

In the example alarm configuration called out below, if % Disk Free Space usage is 20% or higher for 120 seconds a Yellow level alarm is triggered. If disk usage is 10% or higher for 240 seconds a Red level alarm is triggered. If either level of alarm is triggered a Notification will be sent. No Action will be taken for a Red level alarm.

Configure the Performance VMware Host Disk Alarm

  1. Select the check box to the left of the Performance: VMware Host Disk category.
  2. To change a Limit, or Timevalue, click the value, then enter the updated value.
  3. Depending on the alarm, selecting a check box to the left of an alarm, will generate an alarm when the value is either above or below the configured Limit for the specified time period. If this box is unchecked, then the SysTrack Agent will ignore the limit thresholds – no alarm will be generated (although the Agent will still continue to track data for this setting).
  4. Select a Notification profile to use for the alarm notification settings that will be followed when the alarm is triggered.
  5. Select a Time Window for the alarm.
  6. Select an Action profile to use when the alarm is triggered.
  7. Click the Save Changes button on the top right of the Roles page to save your changes.