Performance RemoteFX Alarms

Remote FX is a set of protocols for Microsoft's Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) that are used to remotely deliver Windows virtual desktops over a local area network (LAN). Using this category on the Roles page Alarms tab, you can adjust yellow and red level alarms for the RemoteFX performance counters.

In the example alarm configuration below, if the Average Encoding Time t/ sec is 1000 or more for 240 seconds a Red level alarm is triggered. If the alarm is triggered no Notifications will be sent and no Action will be taken.

NOTE: An alarm that passes through a Yellow state and achieves a Red state is considered to be in both Yellow and Red alarm status until the condition value is within the limits.

Remote FX Performance Alarm Description
Average Encoding Time Monitors the average frame encoding time allowed by the RemoteFX Encoder on the processor, GPU or dedicated hardware.
Base TCP RTT Monitors the base TCP round-trip time (RTT) detected in milliseconds on the RemoteFX network.
Current TCP Bandwidth Monitors the TCP bandwidth detected in bits per second (bps) on the RemoteFX network.
Current TCP RTT Monitors the average TCP round-trip time (RTT) detected in milliseconds on the RemoteFX network.
Current UDP Bandwidth Monitors the TCP Bandwidth detected in bits per second (bps) on the RemoteFX network.
Current UDP RTT Monitors the average TCP round-trip time (RTT) detected in milliseconds on the RemoteFX network.
FEC Rate Monitors the forward Error Correction (FEC) percentage on the RemoteFX network.
Frame Quality Monitors the quality of the output frame expressed as a percentage of the quality of the source frame.
Frames Skipped/Second - Insufficient Client Resources Monitors the number of frames skipped per second due to insufficient client resources.
Frames Skipped/Second - Insufficient Network Resources Monitors the number of frames skipped per second due to insufficient network resources.
Frames Skipped/Second - Insufficient Server Resources Monitors the number of frames skipped per second due to insufficient server resources.
Graphics Compression Ratio Monitors the ratio of the number of bytes encoded to the number of bytes input.
Input Frames/Second Monitors the number of sources frames provided as input to RemoteFX graphics per second.
Output Frames/Second Monitors the number of frames sent to the client per second.
Retransmission Rate Monitors the percentage of packets that have been retransmitted.
Sent Rate PO Monitors the rate in bits per second (bps) at which data is sent with priority 0.
Sent Rate P1 Monitors the rate in bits per second (bps) at which data is sent with priority 1.
Sent Rate P2 Monitors the rate in bits per second (bps) at which data is sent with priority 2.
Sent Rate P3 Monitors the rate in bits per second (bps) at which data is sent with priority 3.
Source Frames/Second Monitors the number of frames composed by the source (DWM) per second.
TCP Received Rate Monitors the rate in bits per second (bps) at which data is received over TCP.
TCP Sent Rate Monitors the rate in bits per second (bps) at which data is sent over TCP.
Total Received Rate Monitors the rate in bits per second (bps) at which data is received.
Total Sent Rate Monitors the rate in bits per second (bps) at which data is sent.
UDP Packets Received/sec Monitors the rate in packets per second at which packets are received over UDP.
UDP Packets Sent/sec Monitors the rate in packets per second at which packets are sent over UDP.
UDP Received Rate Monitors the rate in bits per second (bps) at which data is received over UDP.
UDP Sent Rate Monitors the rate in bits per second (bps) at which data is sent over UDP.

Configure Performance RemoteFX Alarms

  1. Select the check box to the left of the Performance: Remote FX category to apply the same configuration to the individual alarms.
  2. To change a Limit, or Timevalue, click the value, then enter the updated value.
  3. Depending on the alarm, selecting a check box to the left of an alarm, will generate an alarm when the value is either above or below the configured Limit for the specified time period. If this box is unchecked, then the SysTrack Agent will ignore the limit thresholds – no alarm will be generated (although the Agent will still continue to track data for this setting).
  4. Select a Notification profile to use for the alarm notification settings that will be followed when the alarm is triggered.
  5. Select a Time Window for the alarm.
  6. Select an Action profile to use when the alarm is triggered.
  7. Click the Save Changes button on the top right of the Roles page to save your changes.